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CS EdWeek Showcase and Q&A: Learn how to launch a CS Spirit Week and get your questions answered here whether it's regarding funding, themed days or CS family activities. Have something to share? We want to hear from you too! Bring your ideas to the Zoom Room!
PLEASE NOTE: You need to make sure that you are signed into CSTA in order to register! 
This Office Hours Session will be hosted by Samantha Selikoff. She will be presenting her 2022 CSEdweek theme and holding a Q&A session. If you are new to CSEdweek or have many years under your belt, please come with your Questions and Ideas. It is a great time to time to chat with other CS Teachers! 
"CSEdWeek was founded as a call to action to raise awareness about the need to elevate computer science education at all levels and to underscore the critical role of computing in all careers." csedweek.org

CS EdWeek Showcase and Q&A: Learn how to launch a CS Spirit Week and get your questions answered here, whether it's regarding funding, themed days or CS family activities. Have something to share? We want to hear from you too! Bring your ideas to the Zoom Room!

Kimberly Smith