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CSTA and Kapor Center are excited to share findings from a 2022 national survey of PreK-12 computer science teachers. We will share the current landscape of PreK-12 CS teachers, including their demographics, teaching background, school context, professional development, instructional practice, and identity-inclusive computing practices. Plus, we will share related recommendations for policymakers, educators, industry leaders, and school district administrators.

According to a soon-to-be-released report by Kapor Center and CSTA, the pervasive gaps in equity for underrepresented students of color, low-income, students and rural students in computing education continue to persist and can be seen in demographic differences in teacher engagement, connections with computing, teaching challenges, teacher biases, curricular satisfaction, and needed teacher supports.

Join us as we share the results of our national landscape study examining the background and experiences of thousands of PreK-12 CS teachers in the United States to understand challenges and opportunities for support creating more equitable student outcomes.

This content is most relevant for those in roles supporting PreK-12 CS teachers, including, teacher leaders, administrators, state leaders, industry leaders, researchers, and policymakers. All are welcome.

Bryan Twarek


Dr. DaQuan Bashir