We KNOW you're doing amazing things with Computer Science in your classroom! Why not collaborate and share with educators at ITEC's 2021 Spring Conference will be April 10 - 16th this year?! 
We’d love to have a HUGE computer science presence at ITEC's 2021 Spring Conference this year! The conference will be virtual this year and will look very different. You can learn more about the conference plan here
Here's the TLDR (too long, didn't read) version: 
  • All regular sessions will have an asynchronous part (30 minute recorded video that will be released on the Saturday of the conference week) and a synchronous part (an up to 30 minute live Q&A session that will be scheduled between Monday and Friday of the conference week)
We also know that presenting is easier with friends! We created this document to help you with potential session ideas and/or to find a CS friend to co-present with Spring:
Please add your name and contact information if you’d be willing to present this year! We’ll promote your session in our newsletter and on social media leading up to the conference and enter you into a drawing for a FREE Micro:bit if you present at the conference!