Have you been following the 2024 General Assembly Legislative Session?  If not, keep up with bills that affect the drinking water industry by visiting our website.  We have a page dedicated to all the proposed legislation that could affect you and your utility.  It is updated weekly, including links to the Virginia Assembly website for further details. https://vaawwa.org/page/legislative-and-regulatory-updates 
At the session's conclusion, the Water Utility Committee will host Chris Pomeroy with AquaLaw to provide a summary of the proposed legislation, which passed, failed, and might come back at a future date.  Join us on Monday, March 18, from noon - 1 pm.  You don't need to register, but click below to be emailed the meeting connection information.  
The website and legislative tracking are made available through the Water Utility Committee (WUC) of the VA Section. If you’re interested in getting more involved in issues related to water policy and legislation, please consider joining the VA AWWA Water Utility Committee. Contact April Bingham (april.bingham@rva.gov) or Michelle Caruthers (michelle.caruthers@westernvawater.org